Do you know how to build confidence with women? Do you what the biggest barrier to success is in your quest for dating or life success?
It all comes down to one crucial ingredient: Self-Confidence.
Do you worry needlessly about not having the dating success you would really like? Do you get angry at yourself and your inability to excel with the opposite sex? Do you struggle making conversation with strangers? Do you struggle with shyness or not know what to say? Do you fear making a fool of yourself in front of others?
Don’t spend a moment longer feeling frustrated with your lack of self-confidence. Be one of the people that others notice, for all the right reasons. Capture people in conversation and inspire them with your self-belief and irresistibly.
Self-Confidence is central to everything that happens in your life, in your personal life, social situations, attraction and seduction, dating, as well as in the workplace. If you don’t believe in yourself, how are you going to get others to believe in you?
Tip #1 – Leave the Past in the Past
We’ve all been burned. If a guy says he’s never been hurt by a woman before, he’s lying.
So how do you deal with it in your current relationship? Let it go. If you don’t, you’ll never stand a chance at a meaningful relationship built upon trust.
Don’t assume that your current girlfriend will be the same as others or do what others have done. She’s an individual and that needs to be respected. If you don’t, she’ll decide she’s had enough and leave you.
Tip #2 – Get Yourself a Life
Do NOT be the kind of guy who only has one thing in his life: his girlfriend. Now I’m not saying that she should not be the focus of your life. What I am saying is that she can’t be the ONLY focus.
What interests you? Do you have any talents that have taken a backseat to your relationship? Now’s the time to revive them. It’s no secret that women love guys with a lot going for them, so get busy!
Tip #3 – Value Yourself
This is a simple answer to a very complex issue.
Everybody has confidence issues from time to time, but if taken to extremes, this problem can seriously impact your relationships.
If this sounds like you, it’s paramount that you work to change how you view yourself. Surround yourself with family and friends, and absorb how they think and feel about you. Take an inventory of your positive qualities and skills, and write them down for future reference. Everybody has strengths, and your confidence stems from knowing what yours are.
Think about it. There is no quicker way to lose a woman than by being clingy. On the other hand, if you want to attract women, you must work on yourself first. The qualities that women find attractive are much more good looks…they want confidence.
And there’s nothing more confident than a man who doesn’t need to be in a relationship in order to be happy. Learning how to build confidence with women is the first step.
Monday, March 28, 2011
How to Build Confidence with Women | How to Fix My Relationship
Sunday, March 27, 2011
How To Make A Guy Like You - Learn To Flirt With Him!
How to make a guy like you...that is an age-old question that women have wrestled with since the dawn of time. In the animal kingdom, some females strut around trying to attract the best male. And the human versions are the girls who love to flirt and do it well.
But not everyone is a natural flirt. And there are definitely some misconceptions about what flirting really is. This article will bust a few flirting myths and give you a few tips so that you too can become a master of attracting the right kind of guy.
Flirting is Not Acting Sleazy (or easy) Around Guys
Picture the woman at a bar, with a mini-skirt and low-cut shirt. She's flipping her hair and giggling at the guy next to her. She's constantly touching him and leaning in towards him. What type of image is she projecting...that's she's very open to his advances.
But your objective is to make a guy like you, not have sex with you. There is a huge difference. You do not want to be a one-night-stand. You actually want to build a relationship with this guy. You don't need to lace your conversation with sexual implications and hang all over him.
Flirting is About Making Everyone Feel Good
Real (and effective) flirting is about making everyone, regardless of gender. You are trying to make the other person feel good and be happy around you. The real point of flirting is to create a positive atmosphere with the people you are with, without any expectations of getting a date or catching the eye of the guy you like.
This is not counter-intuitive. Your goal should not be to get him to notice you; it should be to have fun. But the ironic twist is that you will attract him in the process!
Keep Flirting Fun by Being Relaxed and Fun-Loving
What's a positive attitude-killer? Over-thinking the situation by adding pressure on yourself.
-Am I trying too hard?
-Can he tell that I'm trying too hard?
-OMG!!! I can't believe I just said that! I've ruined any chance of making him like me!
Really? That's way too much negative inner-chatter going on in your head and not enough focus on the person you are with. Yes, you will make mistakes. Yes, you will say the wrong thing. And maybe you won't be successful.
Why pressure yourself and act like your life depended on it? It doesn't work that way!
When you put this much pressure on yourself, it just defeats the purpose of flirting. We want to keep it playful, fun and relaxed. You can't be relaxed when you are driving yourself mad with negative thoughts.
So do yourself a favor and just keep your ears peeled to the conversation. That's the best way to keep the fun going. Remember, your goal is to make him like you and guys like girls who are are fun.
About the Author
-->Alex Fraser
Street Articles Author
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How to Get Confident With Girls - Three Steps to Overcoming Your Insecurity
How to Get Confident With Girls - Three Steps to Overcoming Your Insecurity
Article Word Count: 550 [View Summary] Comments (0)
Learning how to get confident with girls is an issue that is easy to explain, but hard to put into practice. It's easy for me to tell you that you need to hold your head up high and have some self-confidence. But when you get into a situation where you really need to be confident, it is very easy to slide back down to the place where you are very unsure of yourself.
Step One - Understand Where Your Insecurity is Coming From
There is generally a root cause to a guy's insecurity. Did a girl not only break-up with you, but tried to tear you down? Did you get rejected by a girl who you secretly believed you had a shot with? Or maybe you have not had much luck with girls, ever. Maybe you feel that you have been unsuccessful in most areas of your life.
There are a million reasons, but if you look deep enough you can come up with one or two reasons for your continuing insecurity with the opposite sex. Finding the root cause of your insecurity gives you a place to build from, so take the time to answer this crucial question.
Step Two - Do Not Live in the Past
Now that you understand the cause of your insecurity, you need to start letting the past go. I know that is simple advice to a complex problem. But you need to believe me when I say that you will not overcome your confidence issues by playing painful memories over and over in your head.
Make a fresh start. Do not assume that every girl you meet will be the same as others that have hurt you. Everyone gets burned at some point in their life. If a guy says he's never been hurt by a woman before, he is lying to you. So make a commitment to wipe the slate clean and start over today.
Step Three - Get a Life
And I know what you are thinking...I already have a life. But you would not be reading this if you where a super confident guy. What I mean by getting a life is that you need to start filling your life with what interests you. If you used to love playing baseball (soccer, tennis, bowling, etc.), join a league. If you have always wanted to learn how to fly an airplane, go back to school, or learn how to race cars...get involved with whatever interests you.
And here what you can't do. Do not choose something like video games and sit in front of your TV all day. Interacting with fictional characters or even chatting online with people you do not know is not going to increase your self-confidence.
Start going to dorky science fiction conventions. It does not matter because there are dorky girls that love science fiction too. Just get out in public and start meeting people.
Putting Words into Action
Understand that this is an action plan, not just random advice. These are steps you can start taking today. Learning how to get confident with girls is not an easy path, but you can do this. All I can do is open the door for you. You have to be the one to walk through it.
Think about it. If you want to attract women, you must work on yourself first. The qualities that women find attractive are much more good looks...they want confidence.
Pay Close Attention Here-
If your still confused, get a FREE Mini Course that Give You the Secrets to Extreme Self Confidence!
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This article has been viewed 343 time(s).
Article Submitted On: February 21, 2011
How to Fix My Relationship
Asking yourself how to fix my relationship? You don’t need to be embarrassed to be reading this. And you don’t need to reinvent the wheel.
If you are reading this, you want to find the answers to your relationship troubles. Whatever they may be.
And there is just so much information out there that it’s hard to find the right answer. And you may be stressed out and feel that your relationship is doomed.
There are tons of so-called relationship experts who will tell you the “best” tips, tricks and techniques to solving all your troubles.
But tricking or manipulating is not the way to do it.
Do not listen to these experts. It may work in the short term, but it will not help you in the long run.
Plus, there can be only so many versions of the truth out there; it can drive an average person NUTS.
How to Fix My is a place where you can find advice that WORKS. Why, because you can decide which piece of advice would work BEST with your unique circumstances?
For Husbands
* When Your Wife Wants a Divorce and You Don’t
* How to Get Your Wife Back for GoodFor Wives
* Signs That Your Husband Doesn’t Love You Anymore
* How to Make My Husband Want Me MoreFor Guys
* What To Do if Your Girlfriend Wants a Break
* How to Make My Girlfriend Want Me MoreFor Ladies
* How to Make a Guy Like You
* Get Your Boyfriend to Marry YouGet Your Ex Back, Break-Ups & Divorce
* Ultimate Tips on How to Get Him Back
* How to Prevent a DivorceCheating
* Signs Your Wife Cheating
* Signs Your Husband CheatingBut remember that everybody’s situation is different, so you can’t expect to use these rules as the solution for the ENTIRE relationship scene. These are guidelines, not federal laws.
Although they do work. So pay attention.
And you don’t have to change your personality. The truth is that you can’t substitute your real self with any rule or guideline.
Poke around How to Fix My and learn the skills you need to improve your relationship. From the privacy of your own home.
So sit back and take a deep breath. I know your stressed out (if your having relationship troubles) and you want help. Relax.
How to Make a Guy Like You - 3 Myths Busted!
How to Make a Guy Like You - 3 Myths Busted!
Article Word Count: 420 [View Summary] Comments (0)
Wondering how to make a guy like you? It does not take a magic spell or voodoo love potions to attract the guy of your dreams. What it does take is common sense, confidence and a few tricks of the trade.
One of the first is to understand what guys like in the first place. Obviously each guy is unique, but there are some things that attract all guys. Or turn them off completely. So let's bust some myths and make him fall for you!
Myth #1: Guys Like "Those Kinds of Girls"
The old saying about giving the milk away for free is true. The truth is that guys don't value girls who are easy. And why should they? It does not make you special when he does not have to do anything to get you into bed.
If you only want him to have sex with you, this is not the article for you. Any girl can put on a mini-skirt and push-up bra and offer herself up to a guy. But if you want a real relationship with this guy, being "that kind of girl" is not the way to do it. Trust me!
Myth #2: Guys Like "Low-Maintenance" Chicks
The truth is that guys don't like girls who are pushovers and completely needy. Although low-maintenance can be defined a few different ways, in this context its girls who are afraid to speak up and ask for what they want.
Guys want a challenge. They don't want an airhead who agrees with everything they say. By speaking your mind, you earn his respect.
Myth #3: Guys Like a Lot of Attentionn
Have you seen girls who follow a guy around like a puppy dog? Calling and texting every five minutes? Can you say stalker? Sure guys like to be flattered and they like to feel like someone's paying attention to them. But the sad fact is that many girls start behaving in a very needy way. And this just drives them away by the dozens!
Although I am not a fan of rules that say how many times you should call, email or text him, you should have some restraint. Just because he gave you his number does not mean that you should start hounding him.
Guys are completely turned off by needy and clingy girls. And wouldn't you be turned off if a guy acted that way towards you? So if you're wondering how to make a guy like you, remember, guys like girls with self-confidence.
Pay Close Attention Here!
If your still confused and serious about learning how to get a guy to like you, get a fail proof approach to getting the right man Get a Guy Guide
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This article has been viewed 266 time(s).
Article Submitted On: March 17, 2011
Dog Grooming Gardiner
Did you just Google Dog Grooming Randolph? Click here to learn more about our featured Dog Groomer in the area.
Maintaining A Posh Pup
Dog grooming is not simply an aesthetic bonus for our canine friends. Maintaining a regular grooming schedule will help to keep your dog both happy and healthy. Routine dog grooming will ensure that your dog is free of parasites, has healthy skin and a shiny coat, and has good dental health. Of course, the aesthetic benefits are also a plus. Only a true dog lover wants to be around a dirty, stinky dog with bad breath. Proper dog grooming will bring out the best in man’s best friend.
What’s Involved in Dog Grooming?
While dog grooming can be performed at home, the best results can be achieved via a professional dog groomer. A thorough dog grooming session takes care of all the hygienic needs of your dog. The grooming process generally takes a hour or two to accomplish, but the results are well worth the time spent. A typical dog grooming session consists of the following treatments for your dog:
* A thorough bath including flea dip (if applicable)
* A complete coat brushing to eliminate tangles and matted hair
* Styling as requested (can include accessories such as bows, rhinestones and bandannas)
* Nail trimming
* Ear cleaning and examination for parasites
* Teeth cleaningHow Often Should Dog Grooming Take Place?
The frequency with which your should groom your dog is dependent on the breed and coat quality of your dog. Some breeds are considered high maintenance in terms of dog grooming, while others need only periodic care. Before you purchase or adopt a dog, it’s a good idea to find out how much grooming it will require. A basic guide to dog grooming by coat type is as follows:
* Curly-Coated – Dogs such as Poodles have a dense and curly coat that is fairly resistant to water. These dogs will require dog grooming at least once every two months, or six times a year.
* Short-Coated – Dogs with short dense coats, such as Corgis and Boxers need a weekly brushing, but do not need to be bathed more than once or twice a year unless a problem arises.
* Long-Coated – Long coated dogs, such as Collies and Sheepdogs, require a daily brushing to keep their coats in good condition. Additional dog grooming including regular bathing, should be administered once every other month.
* Silky-Coated – Afghans, Cocker Spaniels and Pekinese dogs belong to the silky coated dog group. These dogs require daily brushing and a thorough dog grooming session four times a year.
* Wire-Coated – Wire coated dogs require considerable dog grooming. Dogs such as Terriers and Schnauzers should be bathed every three months and have their coat clipped every six to eight weeks.
* Smooth-Coated – The smooth-coated class of dogs includes Labrador Retrievers, Doberman Pinschers and Dachshunds. These are very low maintenance dogs and require only weekly brushing and bathing as necessary.
Whatever type of dog you own, it’s important to see that proper grooming is maintained for the health and happiness of your canine companion.
Dog Grooming Randolph | Dog Grooming Gardiner
Did you just Google Dog Grooming Randolph? Click here to learn more about our featured Dog Groomer in the area.
Maintaining A Posh Pup
Dog grooming is not simply an aesthetic bonus for our canine friends. Maintaining a regular grooming schedule will help to keep your dog both happy and healthy. Routine dog grooming will ensure that your dog is free of parasites, has healthy skin and a shiny coat, and has good dental health. Of course, the aesthetic benefits are also a plus. Only a true dog lover wants to be around a dirty, stinky dog with bad breath. Proper dog grooming will bring out the best in man’s best friend.
What’s Involved in Dog Grooming?
While dog grooming can be performed at home, the best results can be achieved via a professional dog groomer. A thorough dog grooming session takes care of all the hygienic needs of your dog. The grooming process generally takes a hour or two to accomplish, but the results are well worth the time spent. A typical dog grooming session consists of the following treatments for your dog:
* A thorough bath including flea dip (if applicable)
* A complete coat brushing to eliminate tangles and matted hair
* Styling as requested (can include accessories such as bows, rhinestones and bandannas)
* Nail trimming
* Ear cleaning and examination for parasites
* Teeth cleaningHow Often Should Dog Grooming Take Place?
The frequency with which your should groom your dog is dependent on the breed and coat quality of your dog. Some breeds are considered high maintenance in terms of dog grooming, while others need only periodic care. Before you purchase or adopt a dog, it’s a good idea to find out how much grooming it will require. A basic guide to dog grooming by coat type is as follows:
* Curly-Coated – Dogs such as Poodles have a dense and curly coat that is fairly resistant to water. These dogs will require dog grooming at least once every two months, or six times a year.
* Short-Coated – Dogs with short dense coats, such as Corgis and Boxers need a weekly brushing, but do not need to be bathed more than once or twice a year unless a problem arises.
* Long-Coated – Long coated dogs, such as Collies and Sheepdogs, require a daily brushing to keep their coats in good condition. Additional dog grooming including regular bathing, should be administered once every other month.
* Silky-Coated – Afghans, Cocker Spaniels and Pekinese dogs belong to the silky coated dog group. These dogs require daily brushing and a thorough dog grooming session four times a year.
* Wire-Coated – Wire coated dogs require considerable dog grooming. Dogs such as Terriers and Schnauzers should be bathed every three months and have their coat clipped every six to eight weeks.
* Smooth-Coated – The smooth-coated class of dogs includes Labrador Retrievers, Doberman Pinschers and Dachshunds. These are very low maintenance dogs and require only weekly brushing and bathing as necessary.
Whatever type of dog you own, it’s important to see that proper grooming is maintained for the health and happiness of your canine companion.
Pet Grooming Pittston | Dog Grooming Gardiner
Looking for Pet Grooming services in Pittston? Check out our featured Dog Groomer…Only $25!
One of the most asked questions that I get before someone buys a puppy is does the breed require much grooming. Some potential owners don’t mind and the others do. This article is for the latter and how you can make pet grooming easier. In order to groom your dog you have to get you dog use to water. There are several steps that you need to take in order to accomplish the task.
Dogs do not like to take baths. Lets face it you are going to groom your pet properly you are going to have to give him the dreaded bath. One of the ways you can start getting your dogs to like water is to introduce your dog to it. If you have a swimming pool take your dog out there with you. Depending on the size of your dog you can sit the dog on your lap as you float around. You can also have a friend stand at one side of the pool and you at the other and put your dog in there. Both of you can encourage the dog to come to the other. Take the dog to the lake for the day and get you dog in the water. If you do this often you will find it easier to get your dog in the bathtub. In fact some dogs do like to take baths. One word of caution is don’t just throw the dog into the water as that may scare him badly and then you’ll have to start from square one.
In the bathtub your dog should feel relaxed. If he isn’t quite use to the water yet you can say soothing words to help him. The sound of your voice can reduce tension in your dog. You dog loves you and loves to hear your voice of calm gentle words.
Make the bath as comfortable as possible. If you’re scratching, scraping and pulling his hair out he will be on the edge. When you were a kid did you like it when your mom washed your own head? Enough said. Keep the water out of his eyes if you can and their nose away from the faucet. They will feel like they are drowning. Another relaxer for your dog is to take your time. Give your dog a message. Talk to them while you are doing it. Nothing like have fingers rubbed all over your back and it’s real easy with the soap on your dog.
Grooming does take patience. You can incorporate the kids help as they love to do it when they are little. Consistency is the key. It may take up to six months to get your dog use to the water. It doesn’t have to be a chore when you get the whole family involved. If after trying these suggestions and you dog does not respond well, you may need to go to a professional.
Need Pet Grooming Pittston? Call 582-9255