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Top Ways to Win Back Your Girlfriend - Real Solutions if Your Feeling Hopeless!
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60By TD Fraser
Ways to Win Back Your Girlfriend
Ways to Win Back Your Girlfriend
Feeling hopeless because you and your girlfriend broke up? There are ways that you can win back your girlfriend, actually simple steps that you can take today to repair your relationship. Remember that couples get back together every day. You and your girlfriend can too!
Step #1:Get Control of Your Emotions
When you feel like your heart has been ripped out, it's very easy to make bad decisions. Like calling, email or texting her begging to get back together with you. Your instincts may be telling you to pursue her until she changes her mind, but the best thing to do is to get control of your emotions so you can make some rational decisions. That's the first step in getting your girlfriend back!
Check out the Calm Mind Techniques Below
Step #1 Calm Your Mind
Top Ways to Win Back Your Girlfriend
Step #2: Take an Honest Look at Your Relationship
This part is hard. You are in so much pain and you can't understand how this happened. Even if you cheated on her or treated you badly. It's very easy to blame the other person in a situation like this. But what did you do to contribute to the break-up?
Understanding what your part in this is the first step towards fixing your relationship.
Step #3: Be Man Enough to Get Help
Why does anyone think that they should automatically know how to win back their girlfriend instinctively? There is not a class we take in high school or college that explains the steps we need to take to win her back.
Take advantage of real advice that has saved relationships, even when they seemed hopeless.
My recommendation is a best-selling ebook called "The Magic of Making Up". Below is a video that the author made and a preview of the amazing techniques that have helped save thousands of relationships.
Top Ways to Win Back Your Girlfriend
Ways to Win Back Your Girlfriend
How to Make Wife Love You More - What NOT to Do!
If you are asking "how to make your wife love you more", you are feeling desperate, lonely and ignored. You may be confused at what you can do to get her to love you like she did in the beginning of your relationship. At this point, where you're feeling unloved, saying the wrong thing can have an impact on your future with your wife. Below are the things you do NOT want to do to get her to love you again.
1. Don't Manipulate to Get What You Want
Trying to find ways to manipulate your wife into loving you more is a terrible idea. It is risky, untrustworthy and will not last in the long run. For example, you know your wife will come running if she thinks you're hurt, sick or something bad is going to happen. Playing nursemaid will help for the short term to bring you closer, but it will wear off as soon as the charade ends.
Bottom Line: Don't play games!
2. Don't Be a Doormat
Who wants to be married to someone who is always giving in? You might think that makes her happier, but it really doesn't. Even if she likes it at first, you will never being happy. Avoiding disagreements or conflict is noble, but at what cost to you? You also have your own happiness to consider and your self-esteem will just plummet. And she won't respect you.
Bottom Line: Find ways to communicate and compromise in a healthy way
3. Don't Beg
When you're scared and frustrated that your wife does not love you as much as you love her, that's a horrible feeling. But begging will not increase her affection for you. You will look desperate, not attractive. You look and feel pitiful and you are better than that. How to make wife love you more does not include you becoming her stalker.
Bottom Line: Communicate your feelings without pleading for you to love you more
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What to Do if Your Girlfriend Wants a Break – What Not to Do!
Knowing “what to do if your girlfriend wants a break” is important. It’s as important to know what NOT to do. Doing or saying the wrong thing can put a permanent wedge between you and your relationship may not be able to recover. Before you take any action, be sure you know what not to do when she wants some space.
Don’t Obsess About Her
Obsessing on her only makes you look desperate. Take this time to take a good look at yourself. During this time, when there is no communication between you and your girlfriend, you can focus on ways that you can improve your own personal life, rather than focusing on your relationship issues. This is going to be a challenging time, and it is going to require discipline to prevent you from returning to your old ways.
Don’t Give Her Ultimatums
Do you even know what girlfriends want? Did you say something like "If you want a break now, don't bother ever coming back"? Or some other demanding ultimatum? Do demand anything from her. Let her know that you understand that she feels (insert whatever feeling she's telling you she's having) and let her know that you are listening to her. So many times guys just hear what they want to hear, not what she is trying to tell you.
Don’t Turn into a Stalker
Ask yourself if you feel like everything you do pushes her away further? Are you demanding that she still see, call, text you 24/7? Stop right now. Girls don't like to be pressured and you don't want to look desperate. If you are feeling overly anxious to stop this break, you may be behaving in the wrong way, causing her to pull away naturally. Do you want to make girlfriend want you more?
Although it feels natural to hound her, look at it from her perspective. Struggling and fighting with her will only make matters worse. Knowing what to do if your girlfriend wants a break is challenging. Maybe this took you by surprise or maybe you saw it coming. Either way, you will not be able to save your relationship unless you know what NOT to do
What To Do If Your Husband Cheats On You - Essential Steps to Rebuilding Your Relationship
Wondering what to do if your husband cheats on you? When your happy life has shattered from an affair, you can be so overwhelmed with feelings of hurt, anger, sadness, betrayal...that you literally feel sick. So many questions are eating away at you like "How can I ever get past his betrayal?".
This article will help you see what steps you need to take to recover from your husband's infidelity. These are essential to creating the kind of relationship that you so desperately want.
Step #1: Get Beyond Denial and Get in Touch With Your Feelings
Denial is the easiest thing to do. Just pretend it never happened, right? But this is like putting a band-aid on a gaping wound. The rug has been pulled out from under your feet and your overwhelming negative emotions are normal and common. It's not easy, but it can be done.
Step #2: Create a Transparent Marriage
If you want to re-build your relationship, you must create an atmosphere of transparency. Your husband must be willing to do this and understand that a lifestyle of sneaking, lying and cheating creates mistrust.
You will know what level of transparency is right for you and your marriage. Talk to your husband and make guidelines that you are both comfortable with.
Step #3: Rebuild Trust
After an affair, you may feel like you will never trust your husband again. This can be on of the biggest challenges to rebuilding your relationship. But if you are still with him, you probably still have some trust in your husband. Do you trust him with your children? Do you trust him to take care of you financially? Do you trust him with your safety?
There are different levels of trust, and you may have to dig deep, but find where you still trust your husband. And this is where you will start rebuilding the trust in your relationship.
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Signs Your Husband Cheating - Learn How to See Real Signs Not Suspicions
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65By TD Fraser
Signs Your Husband Cheating
You just searched for "signs your husband cheating". That's the reason that your here. You could not take the suspicious feelings that have been nagging you and finally started to research exactly what a cheating husband does. You have to know, and I don't blame you.
Below are the top signs you will see from an unfaithful husband:
Work-Related Signs
- Works long hours but you don't see an increase in his paycheck
- Changes his days off to days you are working
- Wants to attend work events by himself
Proof: You catch him with a co-worker at a [hotel, restaurant, etc.] in the act
Computer Related Signs
- He clicks off the page he was on when you walk into the room
- He changes his password when he used to share that information with you
- He deletes all email, browsing history, etc. every day
Proof: You find incriminating emails that confirm an extra-marital affair
Telephone Related Signs
- He hangs up the phone when you enter the room
- He tries to pick up the phone first and then whispers his conversation
- He deletes his cell phone activity including texts and call history
Proof: You over hear a conversation where he says "I love you" to someone else or confirms your suspicions.
Suspicious Behavior at Home
- Suddenly becomes obsessed with his appearance, hair, clothes, etc.
- Gets home and heads straight to the shower
- Asks you about your schedule constantly
Proof: You find used condoms or some other incriminating evidence
The fact that you are reading this article proves that you have taken real action. You think you see signs your husband is cheating everywhere. But you have to discover what is suspicions and what is real proof. Accusing your husband of infidelity is obviously a serious issue. You can ask, but don't accuse unless you have real, solid proof.
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Signs Your Wife Cheating –What’s Suspicious and Not Real Proof
Sign #1: Changes Her Usual Routine
Is she going to lunch with “friends” or “shopping” more than usual? Is she reluctant to tell you who is going with her or where she has been? A change of behavior by itself is not an indication of infidelity, but it can be suspicious.
Sign #2: Her Demeanor Changes When She’s Around You
Is she moody when she’s around you, but suddenly becomes the life of the party with other people? If she’s indifferent to you but has fun with other people, that’s a serious problem in your relationship. That does not prove she’s been unfaithful, but is very concerning. And you just want the truth.
Sign #3: Some Things Don’t Add Up
Is her mileage unaccounted for? Does she have many more miles than she should? Spending more on gas? Is she out of vacation days at work but you can’t figure out why? Should there be more money in your joint account? If some things just don’t add up, it is certainly suspicious. But it does not prove that your wife is seeing another man.
Sign #4: Does she give an excuse for you not to use her cell phone?
Does she say “the battery’s dead”? or “I left it at work”. If she always has an excuse for you to not use her phone, that’s suspicious behavior. The necessity of a secret is perfect for cell phones. If you find your wife often talking on the phone out of earshot or if you answer the phone only to have the caller hang up on you, there may be reason for concern.
Sign #5: She Overcompensates Her Infidelity Because of Guilt
If your wife suddenly acts kinder, more loving or buys you special gifts (and this is unusual) then she might be trying to overcompensate due to guilt. The real giveaway in this situation is that despite this attention, your wife still finds reasons to not have sex with you. Again, it’s not proof of any negative behavior on her part. She might be trying to save your relationship.
Is My Relationship in Real Trouble?
Even if she shows one or all of these signs, does not prove she’s been unfaithful. Keep this in perspective and watch out for actual proof before you confront her. She may be innocent and if you accuse her of something that she has not done, that might drive you further apart.
Still Confused?
Watch a FREE Relationship Video full of great marriage advice and you may finally be able to see if your wife has really been unfaithful or if your marriage can really be saved!
Staying Married After An Affair-Forgiving the Unforgivable
Staying married after an affair can be the one of the most difficult things you ever do in life. You obviously have to forgive your spouse, but you have been betrayed by the person you love most in the world. Your life seems a sham and your confidence has been shattered. When your spouse cheated, he broke your sacred oath of infidelity that he swore to in front of God. How can you possibly forgive something as unforgivable as that?
If you truly want to have a happy relationship post-affair, you are probably desperate to find a way to move on with your life. But the hurt goes very deep and you don't trust him anymore. You don't want to feel like a fool if you do forgive him and he turns around and does it again.
And you don't want to deal with this pain ever again. But you know that without forgiveness, your marriage will be over.
How can you possible get back to what you once had and move on after an affair? The simple answer is that you can't "go back to the way things were". It's impossible and you should not try. Going back won't solve your problems and pretending nothing ever happened is pointless.
But there is another path you can take. And this path may make your marriage better than it ever was before. And you don't need to forgive him in order to move on after his infidelity. Instead, you need to focus on acceptance.
Forgiveness Does Not Always Work
Let's say you want to forgive him with all your heart. But no matter what you do, you can't "make" yourself forgive. You may have decided to forgive him and move on, but this is not magic. You can't wish everything was wonderful again just because. Just because won't cut it.
Forgiveness requires hard work. It takes time and you can't force yourself to feel it in your heart. It either is or isn't.Acceptance is the Path Towards Forgiving the Unforgivable
Let's be honest. It would be a miracle if you actually forgave him. On the other hand, when you focus on acceptance, you start working towards forgiveness and allows you to work through your anger, overcome your anxiety, rebuild your confidence and start trusting him again.
Acceptance means you don't have to make the decision to jump into forgiveness all at once. You can take it slowly and feel how things are going on in your marriage. This way, you won't feel like a fool if you forgive him and he decides to betray you once again. You approach this rationally, not by forcing yourself to forgive when your heart is not in it.
Defining Acceptance
Acceptance is not the same thing as forgiveness. The Oxford English Dictionary defines acceptance as “willingness or ability to tolerate.” The definition for forgiveness is “cease to feel angry or resentful toward.”
When someone cheats on you, it is extremely unlikely that you will wake up feeling like you want to stop feeling angry or resentful. On the other hand, you may start feeling like you can live with the betrayal or tolerate his infidelity.
Acceptance Does Not Mean "Everything is Okay"
There is no way to deny what happened to your marriage. What happened, happened and you cant change it. You can't go back to the way things were and if you are really honest, you did not have a perfect marriage to begin with.
And it means coming to terms with the idea that you aren't going to simply “get over it” one day.
That doesn’t mean you have to like what happened. Acceptance does not mean you have to say, “It’s all okay. What you did is okay. Let's forget it and move on”.
However, you do have to accept the reality of your situation right now. If you do this, with time and work you will get to a place where the bad feelings you are experiencing move to the back of your mind. You will be aware that your past happened, but the memory of it won’t plague you as much anymore.
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How to Make My Girlfriend Want Me More? - Secrets to Go From Forgettable to Irresistible!
Are you asking yourself “how to make my girlfriend want me more”? Need more sex? Feel insecure? If you’re feeling a bit forgettable in your relationship, maybe you’ve lost the spark or maybe you don't have the right moves. but don’t worry. There are ways to make your girlfriend beg for more!
Get Immediate Help Right Now and Learn How to Make Your Girlfriend W/sant You More!
Secret #1: Look the Part
When you first started dating did you take the time to dress well and use manners? Since you started feeling more comfortable around her, have you begun to belch, fart, eat without a shirt on, etc? Yeah, that may be you...but it's not always someone a girl wants to take out of the house. In short, act like a gentleman even when your inner caveman is screaming to get out.You don't need a massive make-over, but you do need to put some effort into it. If you need help, find someone you trust to help you or just copy someone else's look.
Secret #2: Stop Stalking Her
This one is simple. Most girls don't like a guy who is over-eager. Like a puppy dog begging for a bone. Girls want someone to make them feel special, but not someone who calls or texts 24/7. They don't like to be told that you "love them" on the first date. This behavior is more like a stalker than a boyfriend.If she does not call you, don't freak out. You will look desperate and that, my friend, is not sexy.
Secret #3: Have Self Confidence
This is probably the most important tip. If you want to know how to make your girlfriend want you more you need to have self confidence. This is not the same as arrogance. Think of the average looking guy who walks into the room and every eye turns towards him. Why? Is it his looks?No it's his confidence. He walks into the room like he owns it and makes others take notice. If you’re not there yet, walk the walk until you are. It takes practice just like anything else. Learn how to conquer your anxiety that you may never be able to attract and keep the kind of person that you REALLY want.
Secret #4: Start to Listen to What She's Saying
"Communication" is a huge thing for a woman. They want to know that you’re listening when they are talking to you. This does not mean listen to their feelings or emotions, which you should do. What this means is when she says she wants to watch Project Runway, just don't turn on a ballgame. If she says she would like to stop by a coffee shop, even if it's convenient, stop by the coffee shop. Whatever your girlfriend is talking about, slow down and take the time to actually listen to what she's saying.Secret #5: Learn the Art of Pleasuring Women
If you want to be desirable, you have to learn how to pleasure a woman. Do you know how to give her pleasure or do you just think you know? The difference is huge. Women are not wired like men and guess what? There are detailed books that will teach you everything you need to know to pleasure a woman.
If you truly want to know “how to make my girlfriend want me more”, now is the time to take action!
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Step-By-Step secrets to charm, impress and seduce your girlfriend! If you don't take action today, your girlfriends eyes could start drifting away from you...
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How to Make My Boyfriend Want Me More '" What NOT to Do!
"How to make my boyfriend want me more" is the question that keeps women up at night. Does he love me? Do I want him more than he wants me? How can I know for sure how much he wants me? Whatever the reason you're asking, there are steps you can take to make your boyfriend more attracted to you. But there are even more important steps NOT to take.
1. Don't Lose Yourself in Your Relationship
Too many times women find themselves overwhelmed by their new relationships. This can be a very exciting time. But somewhere down the road they stop and realize "Where did my life go"?
Don't stop doing the things you love like going out with friends, hobbies, working out, education, family, etc. To be a happy person, believe it or not, you need more than your boyfriend.
Bottom Line: You will be more attractive to your boyfriend as a complete person, not his arm candy.
2. Don't Push Too Hard
Some of us like to push our way through life. If we want something, we've been told that we have to "fight for it!". But loving someone does not mean that we should push ourselves onto someone else in some sort of bizarre battle of wills.
Don't smother him or make ultimatums. Don't hound him or give him a hard time when he goes out with friends.
Bottom Line: You will lose the battle when all you do is try to force him to love you more
3. Don't Try to Manipulate Him
If you watch any soap opera, 75% of the couples started out with some type of manipulation. Maybe a "unexpected" pregnancy. Pretending to be someone you're not or maybe a few lies here and there...But we know that these manipulations may work for a little while. However, in the end the truth always comes out.Bottom Line: Don't Play Games.
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Signs Your Boyfriend is Lying - Can You Tell Real Lies From Suspicions?
Do you think you see signs your boyfriend is lying? Many women wonder if they should really trust their boyfriends or not. This might be because you have been lied to in the past or it could be that your boyfriend is not trustworthy. Either way, it's a recipe for disaster if you don't know for sure. Here are a few of the top signs your boyfriend is lying to you.
Sign #1 - He's Defensive When You Ask Him Simple Questions
Does he completely over react when you ask him where he was or what he was doing? Does his reaction seem much harsher than the situation calls for? This can be suspicious, but is not actual proof. Take a look at your own behavior first. Are you asking him his whereabouts 24/7? This could be making him feel untrustworthy (which has not been established without proof) and your constant questioning could be driving him away.
Do you really understand men? Try to see it from his perspective. But if his defensiveness really does not fit your simple, few questions, that may be signs your boyfriend is lying. And you need to know how to attract and keep quality men, not liars.
Sign #2 - Things Don't Add Up
Is the mileage on his car much more than it should be? And you wonder where he's been going without you. Does he seem to be having less money now than he did before? And you wonder what he's been spending it on. Are the texts on his phone always deleted? And you wonder what he's erasing? Women have a sense when something is not right. Call it a sixth sense but you have a feeling that something is not right. A feeling is not proof, but it could be a sign that your relationship may be in trouble.
Sign #3 - He Tries Change the Subject When Your Talking to Him
Is he avoiding talking about certain subjects? If he keeps avoiding the topics that you want to talk about, this can be a sign that he's hiding something important. However, this is also a time when you have to take a look at your own behavior. Are you hounding him about [insert issue] all the time? Has he answered you but you don't like his answer? Try to distinguish whether or not he's changing the subject because he wants to avoid the conversation or because you just don't like his answers.
To really understand if you see "signs your boyfriend is lying" you need to take a look at both his and your behavior. If you take an honest look at your relationship and still see how he could be lying to you.
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What To Do When Your Husband Ignores You
rate or flag this page">Tweet thisWhat To Do When Your Husband Ignores You
69By TD Fraser
Feeling Neglected?
Unconventional Tactics That Really Work!What To Do When Your Husband Ignores You
Asking yourself what to do when your husband ignores you? Perhaps you've watched one too many soap operas and you've begun scheming ways to get him to notice you again. Here's a few common soap opera plots that you may be familiar with:
She becomes pregnant "accidentally on purpose"
She fakes illness/injury to get some sympathy
She starts an affair because her husband doesn't pay enough attention to herYou may think that these schemes are just fiction. But in fact, women do this stuff all the time! But believe me when I say that there are much better ways to get your husband's attention. The following tactics are unconventional, but they work.
Click Here to learn how to make your husband become increasingly more attentive to you, and want to do everything he can to please you and make you happy
Helpful Links
- What Husband's Can't Resist - Ebook
"What Your Husband Wishes You Knew About Him...But Doesn't Know How To Tell You!"- How to Fix My Relationship
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How to Fix My is a place where you can find advice that WORKS. Why, because you can decide which piece of advice would work BEST with your unique circumstances?- What Husband's Can't Resist - Ebook
What To Do If Your Husband Ignores You
Tactic #1: Stop Talking
A wise woman once told me to talk 80% less.
Women like to talk. We like to explain our feelings, talk through our problems and rehash everything. Over and over and over...
Men are different. They don't like to talk about their feelings and they don't want to talk about what's already happened. Is one of the reasons you think your husband is ignoring you is because he does not want to discuss your relationship?
Try speaking 80% less. Don't tell him what your doing, but just say what you mean once. That's it. Don't repeat yourself and don't try to initiate conversations about your relationship.
Why it works: Your husband won't feel pressured to "talk". You won't be baggering or hounding him. The stress level in your relationship will go down and he will start paying positive attention to you. Talking less is actually liberating!
Are you tired of living in a relationship in which you feel neglected? Don’t spend another day wishing your marriage was different. If you want your husband to treat you differently, make it happen. Click Here for Instant Access!
Tactice #2: Get a Life
Women are raised with the notion that Prince Charming is going to rescue them and they are going to live happily ever after. What a crock! There is no Prince Charming and there is no happily ever after.
Your husband is not responsible for your happiness. You are. It's that simple.
What makes you happy? Have you always wanted to go back to school? Learn to knit, fly, bake, paint, etc.? Do you enjoy working out, hiking or spending time with your girlfriends?Don't wait for him to create the kind of life you want to live. You are in control of your own life and you are responsible for making yourself happy. Take action and start living today.
Hint: For even better results, try doing something new that he has always wanted to try too.
But don't ask him if he wants to do it with you! Make him ask you!
Why it works: Your husband will start seeing you as an exciting person, one that is full of confidence and fun. You are more attractive when you are happy. He will start noticing a positive change in you and will start paying more attention to you.
What To Do When Your Husband Ignores You
Tactic #3: Focus On You
Have you stopped taking care of your apperance? Let yourself go? Many wives get into a rut after marriage and kids. Who has time for all that nonsense right?
Changing your looks seems like an obvious tactic to use when your husband is ignoring you. But the kind of changes that I'm talking about is going back to basics. Start taking each day as a first date. What would you wear if you were going out with him for the first time today? How much time would you spend on your apperance?
The idea is that you don't want to go overboard. But in the beginning of your relationship, you probably did not pull out the flannel pj's. However, the key to the success of this tactic is to not be obvious about it. Don't make a big deal and don't throw yourself at him.
Why it works: You once caught his eye and you can do it again. With a little planning and effort, you can put the spark back into your relationship. If you feel sexy, you are sexy and he will notice!
Being the Wife Your Husband Can't Resist!
If your asking what to do when your husband ignores you, then your relationship may be in a rut or it may have some serious problems. The good news is that you can improve your relationship and you can get the sizzle back in your relationship.
How to Make My Girlfriend Want Me More - Tips to Go from Ordinary Boyfriend to Extrordinary Lover!
When you ask yourself "how to make my girlfriend want me more"?, do you come up with something cliched like bring her flowers? Why would you want to be like every other guy out there? Don't you want to set yourself apart from regular guys and make her see that your her one and only? These tips are designed to take you from ordinary boyfriend status to legendary lover status!
Tip #1 - Take a Step Back
This seems counterproductive when you really want her to spend more time with you or make a stronger commitment. But what you are really doing is stepping back from the constant texting, phone calls and emails that you've been sending 24/7. Don't act like her parole officer. She's a woman who needs her space and your trust. Let her do her own thing. Don't smother her. Give her a chance to call you instead.
Plus, don't "wing it" when it comes to your relationship. Find out what she really wants so you can be the man to give it to her.
Tip #2 - Clean Up Your Act
Are you overweight and out of shape? Have you started dressing like grunge rocker without the talent to back it up? Are you playing video games all day and drive thru is your best friend? A few guy habits are acceptable. But combine all the stereotypical guy behaviors and you've got a recipe for disaster.
Take a long, hard look at your life. Are you happy being the normal guy next door? If your not, find ways to make yourself seem more interesting. Read, work out, go to cultural events (they are not that bad), support a cause, etc. No one wants to date a guy who's only interest is when the next Grand Theft Auto is coming out.
Tip #3 - Learn How to Please Her
If you want to set yourself apart, you have to become a great lover. Women are not the mystery you think they are. There are specific ways to satisfy a woman and you have to become the pro. If you can set yourself apart from every bumbling guy out there, she will be begging to see you. There are articles and books out there that will show you the secrets to pleasuring a woman. Take the time to read them and then blow her socks off!
Are you worried she's going to leave you? Learn how to stop a break up now. Everyone asks themselves "how to make my girlfriend want me more". Especially when they have found the right girlfriend. You don't want to be ordinary and that's they key. Set yourself apart from the crowd. Not only will your girlfriend be happier, but so will you.
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What To Do When Your Boyfriend Cheats - How to Move Past the Pain
rate or flag this page">Tweet thisWhat To Do When Your Boyfriend Cheats - How to Move Past the Pain
72By TD Fraser
What To Do When Your Boyfriend Cheats On You
What To Do When Your Boyfriend Cheats On You
Understanding what to do when your boyfriend cheats on you, starts with understand what not to do. There are clear things that you can't accept from your boyfriend, plus you can have behaviors that will likely kill your relationship. Your confused, hurt, and literally sick at heart. But your behavior from this point on will dictate what your future relationship will look like.
Betrayal is Agony.
The following guidelines will help you see the bigger picture and put this situation into perspective. Plus, it will help you see what you need right now to save your relationship with your boyfriend.
If He Want's to Save the Relationship, He Needs to Be 100% Honest
It's easier for him to not talk about it. Guys never want to talk about their "feelings" anyway. So getting him to tell you everything now may be a challenge. Some girlfriends don't want to know or understand the details. Some cannot get past the affair without knowing every detail.
You know which one you are. But he has to be willing to share what he did with you. He can't lie or avoid the conversation. He can't tell you it's all in the past so "forget about it". That's not okay and you will not get past the infidelity unless you deal with your negative emotions.
Don't Try to "Get Back At Him" Or "Get Even"
Anyone who has been a victim of infidelity has thought about getting back at the other person. It's a normal reaction. But it's completely unhealthy and will do nothing but create more problems. When your asking yourself "what to do when your boyfriend cheats on you", the answer is never revenge.
Having sex with someone out of spite is extremely mean to the guy your using. Especially if he does not know he's being used in this way. It's not fair to him or to yourself. It will create feelings of guild and remorse. And you are already dealing with negative emotions so don't throw this into the mix.
Don't Stand On the Fence
You are confused, hurt, heartbroken, stressed and suspicious. This has taken over your whole life and you don't know what to do. But you will have to make a decision. You can either break-up with him, go into denial (which is a horrible idea!) or try to re-build your relationship.
Only you know which one of these is right for you. Again, going into denial and pretending nothing happened only buries your feelings for a limited time. Breaking-up with him is probably your knee-jerk reaction and understandable. Fighting to save your relationship is hard work.
Being undecided causes an unbelievable amount of stress. It's confusing when you don't know what to do when your boyfriend cheats on you. Remember, you don't have to make the decision today, but you do have to make a decision. Don't wait for months and agonize over the situation. Make a choice and move on.
Get Immediate Help Right Now and Survive the Affair
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How to Make Your Wife Want You More - Top 10 Ways to Make Her Fall in Love With You Again!
rate or flag this page">Tweet thisHow to Make Your Wife Want You More - Top 10 Ways to Make Her Fall in Love With You Again!
72By TD Fraser
It's Not Too Late!
How to Make Your Wife Want You More
Want to know how to make your wife want you more? There’s a secret and it’s very, very, simple. Guys all around the world have asked themselves the same question. What makes a wife want her husband after years in a relationship?
The simple answer is that you have to be the man you once where. Do what made her fall in love with you in the first place. You can’t turn back time to when you started dating, but you can put a spark back into your relationship. The real secret is to take time every day to do something nice for her.
This seems so easy, but it really isn’t. Between work and running after children, couples sometimes don’t see each other all day. You get wrapped up in what YOU are doing and you forget about your relationship. It sounds cliche, but a relationship needs work. Below are ten ways to make her feel special without spending a lot of money.
- Run an errand that she hates doing
- Make the bed for her
- Bring her coffee or make her breakfast
- Offer to watch the kids while she…reads a book, goes shopping, does crafts, works out, etc.
- Pick up a movie that she likes (Redbox is only a dollar!)
- Arrange for a babysitter yourself then surprise her with dinner out
- Take her for a walk someplace special like the beach or park
- Enlarge a favorite photo of hers and frame it
- Text or email her flirty (not dirty) messages
- Learn a fewnew steamy moves
These simple things are so easy and cheap that all men should be doing them. But life gets hectic and days, months and years fly by without spending a lot of time on the most important relationship in your life. Start today and make a list of things you could do for her and start tomorrow. Don’t fish for compliments either. Just do it because it wll really make your wife want you more.
Now that you understand “how to make your wife want you more”, it’s up to you to take action. Don’t wait another day to start acting like a man and get the relationship you want.
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My Husband Never Listens To Me - What Not To Do!
A common complaint from wives is "my husband never listens to me". Perhaps this is true or perhaps this is just your perception. Either way, if your feeling like your not being heard, it's frustrating. And your first instinct is to talk...more and more and more!
When learning how to make your husband listen to you, the most important thing is to understand what you should never do. The following tactics are things you may want to do, but trust me, these will only drive your husband further away!
Click Here Right Now if your ready to make your marriage different today!
Don't Nag Or Hound Him
If you feel like your husband is not listening to you, you will try to get him to listen by force. This generally means cornering him, like in the car, and relentlessly nagging him. He's got no where to go, but he's not going to listen either.
What To Try Instead
Wait until he's not doing anything else. Don't interrupt his work or try to initiate a conversation while he's watching a ball game. Talk to him when he's open to a conversation.
Don't Repeat Yourself
If your not heard the first time, you feel like you have to repeat yourself. Again and again and again...
Women try to make men understand. Wives try to explain their feelings one way or another. And if your husband does not listen the first time, then you keep trying. But this tactic does not work. If he's not open to listening to you, it does not matter how you say it. He won't get it!
What to Try Instead
This old technique actually works. Take the "You" out of the conversation. Instead of saying "You always...", start saying "I feel angry when you....". This takes the attack out of the conversation. It turns it from a verbal debate into a conversation.
Talk 80% Less
Women like to talk. In fact, we talk incessantly about every topic. We analyze, rehash, ponder, strategize, etc. When it comes to talking, we are an entirely different breed than men.
When you make a conscious decision to talk 80% less, people start to listen. When you choose your words wisely instead of rambling on, your husband will start taking notice. Now this does not mean that you stop having conversations with your husband on everyday topics like politics, your children or what American Idol contestant you like best.
This means that when it comes to topics that you truly care about, you say what you mean and mean what you say. Make it concise and to the point. Talking 80% less is actually liberating once you get the hang of it!
Start Understanding What Your Husband Wants
"My husband never listens to me" is one of the biggest complaints wives have. We all feel like our husbands are not paying attention to us at some point or another. Sometimes we just need a new way to communicate and sometimes the lack of communication is a symptom of bigger problems.
Either way, there are steps you can implement today to have better communication in your marriage.
Pay Close Attention Here-
Are you tired of living in a relationship in which you feel neglected? Many married women find themselves feeling alone and rejected by their husbands. If you feel taken for granted, there’s a way to change that now. Don’t spend another day wishing your marriage was different. If you want your husband to treat you differently, make it happen!
Click Here Right Now if your ready to make your marriage different today!
How To Survive Your Husband's Infidelity by TD Fraser
When asking how to survive husband's infidelity, one of the biggest obstacles is how you find yourself constantly comparing yourself to his paramour. Your head is filled with negative comments like:
“She’s probably prettier than me.”
“She's probably in better shape than me"
“She’s probably outgoing, sexy and the kind of women men can't resist. Not like me"
"I'm not interesting enough to keep anyone’s attention.”Finding out about the affair hit you like a punch in the face. And now your tormented by your thoughts and their constant internal comparison to "her". But there are ways to stop this nonsense and bring yourself some peace.
The Affair's Damaging Effects on Your Self-Confidence
When a wife finds out about her husband's affair, this inevitably leads to negative feelings about yourself. You keep asking yourself "Why?".
It's completely normal to experience self-doubt when you find out about your husband's infidelity. But when it turns into a repetitive nightmare that plays over and over in your head...your self-confidence is torn away.
It's safe to say that this is one of the most challenging times in your life. Your world has been crushed. You want to pick up the pieces of your life but somehow they just don't fit anymore. Don't expect this to happen overnight. But there are steps that will help you on your journey to healing.
Step 1: Track Your Inner Dialogue
Your thoughts and emotions are running wild after you find out about an affair. You feel awful and you can't seem to focus on anything else but the "other woman" and your husband's betrayal.
It’s important to get a handle on exactly what that inner dialogue sounds like. Keep a record of what you are saying to yourself in these conversations.
Step 2: Knock His Paramour Off the PedestalEveryone's situation is different, but you may not even know this woman. Yet you've built her up in our mind as being some kind of goddess. But if she was really that amazing, she would not be involved with a married man.
Challenge these thoughts you are having. If you want to learn how to survive your husband's affair, you have to take action. It is you who gives definition to your thoughts and feelings—and no one can take that away from you.
Step 3: Re-create Your Picture of the Other WomanYour thoughts are your own. Instead of building her up to this perfect woman, knock her down a few notches. You don't have to be negative, but you have to change your present mental images of her.
Are you wondering if she is more beautiful? Picture her first thing in the morning with bad breathe.
Think she's more successful than you are? Picture her making a huge social mistep. Spinich in her teeth, toilet paper stuck on her foot.
Step 4: Place Yourself Back On the Pedestal
You can learn how to survive your husband's infidelity! You need to remind yourself that you are a great person and this affair does not define you. You define you and you have wonderful qualities. Make a list and recite them to yourself over and over. Every time an image of the other woman pops up and you begin to compare yourself, get your list and read it out loud.
Maybe it sounds corny, but self-affirmations can truly heal your self-esteem.
Friday, April 22, 2011
How to Get Confident With Girls - Three Steps to Overcoming Your Insecurity
Learning how to get confident with girls is an issue that is easy to explain, but hard to put into practice. It's easy for me to tell you that you need to hold your head up high and have some self-confidence. But when you get into a situation where you really need to be confident, it is very easy to slide back down to the place where you are very unsure of yourself.
Step One - Understand Where Your Insecurity is Coming From
There is generally a root cause to a guy's insecurity. Did a girl not only break-up with you, but tried to tear you down? Did you get rejected by a girl who you secretly believed you had a shot with? Or maybe you have not had much luck with girls, ever. Maybe you feel that you have been unsuccessful in most areas of your life.
There are a million reasons, but if you look deep enough you can come up with one or two reasons for your continuing insecurity with the opposite sex. Finding the root cause of your insecurity gives you a place to build from, so take the time to answer this crucial question.
Step Two - Do Not Live in the Past
Now that you understand the cause of your insecurity, you need to start letting the past go. I know that is simple advice to a complex problem. But you need to believe me when I say that you will not overcome your confidence issues by playing painful memories over and over in your head.
Make a fresh start. Do not assume that every girl you meet will be the same as others that have hurt you. Everyone gets burned at some point in their life. If a guy says he's never been hurt by a woman before, he is lying to you. So make a commitment to wipe the slate clean and start over today.
Step Three - Get a Life
And I know what you are thinking...I already have a life. But you would not be reading this if you where a super confident guy. What I mean by getting a life is that you need to start filling your life with what interests you. If you used to love playing baseball (soccer, tennis, bowling, etc.), join a league. If you have always wanted to learn how to fly an airplane, go back to school, or learn how to race cars...get involved with whatever interests you.
And here what you can't do. Do not choose something like video games and sit in front of your TV all day. Interacting with fictional characters or even chatting online with people you do not know is not going to increase your self-confidence.
Start going to dorky science fiction conventions. It does not matter because there are dorky girls that love science fiction too. Just get out in public and start meeting people.
Putting Words into Action
Understand that this is an action plan, not just random advice. These are steps you can start taking today. Learning how to get confident with girls is not an easy path, but you can do this. All I can do is open the door for you. You have to be the one to walk through it.
How to Make a Guy Like You - 3 Myths Busted!
Wondering how to make a guy like you? It does not take a magic spell or voodoo love potions to attract the guy of your dreams. What it does take is common sense, confidence and a few tricks of the trade.
One of the first is to understand what guys like in the first place. Obviously each guy is unique, but there are some things that attract all guys. Or turn them off completely. So let's bust some myths and make him fall for you!
Myth #1: Guys Like "Those Kinds of Girls"
The old saying about giving the milk away for free is true. The truth is that guys don't value girls who are easy. And why should they? It does not make you special when he does not have to do anything to get you into bed.
If you only want him to have sex with you, this is not the article for you. Any girl can put on a mini-skirt and push-up bra and offer herself up to a guy. But if you want a real relationship with this guy, being "that kind of girl" is not the way to do it. Trust me!
Myth #2: Guys Like "Low-Maintenance" Chicks
The truth is that guys don't like girls who are pushovers and completely needy. Although low-maintenance can be defined a few different ways, in this context its girls who are afraid to speak up and ask for what they want.
Guys want a challenge. They don't want an airhead who agrees with everything they say. By speaking your mind, you earn his respect.
Myth #3: Guys Like a Lot of Attentionn
Have you seen girls who follow a guy around like a puppy dog? Calling and texting every five minutes? Can you say stalker? Sure guys like to be flattered and they like to feel like someone's paying attention to them. But the sad fact is that many girls start behaving in a very needy way. And this just drives them away by the dozens!
Although I am not a fan of rules that say how many times you should call, email or text him, you should have some restraint. Just because he gave you his number does not mean that you should start hounding him.
Guys are completely turned off by needy and clingy girls. And wouldn't you be turned off if a guy acted that way towards you? So if you're wondering how to make a guy like you, remember, guys like girls with self-confidence.
How To Know If My Husband Is Having An Affair - Top Signs He's Being Unfaithful
If you just asked "how do I know if my husband is having an affair", your marriage is in trouble. You obviously don't trust him and have suspicions. You don't want to start accusing him, but you are starting to see warning signs every where. This article will help you see if your husband's actions are really cause for worry or if you are overreacting.
Sign #1: He's Always On the Computer
Technology plays such a large part in our modern lives. It's inevitable that husbands would use the internet to meet up with their paramour. But do you know what he's really doing on the net?
Does he switch pages when you enter the room? Does he delete his browsing history? Does he get angry when you ask what he's doing? Just spending time on the computer is not proof of infidelity, but if he's trying to hide what he's doing online then you have every right to be suspicious.
Note: If he deletes all his texts or goes into a different room to read them, he is probably hiding something.
Sign #2: He's Been Missing in Action
If he can't account for large blocks of time, that obviously is suspicious behavior. Perhaps he said he was going to Home Depot, is gone for hours then comes home empty handed? He gets mad at you for questioning his whereabouts and he should not have to account for every minute of the day.
But if this becomes a habit, you should be very suspicious. How can you know if your husband is cheating? It is not proof unless you catch him in the act or have some kind of physical proof (like hotel receipts). However, it is a sign that he's up to something.
Sign #4: You Accidentally Find Out He's Called in Sick to Work
This is a serious sign your husband has been lying to you (at the minimum) and could be having an affair. Perhaps his paycheck was not the right amount or you called
Did you accidentally find out that he missed a day of work or used a vacation day? Maybe his paycheck was not right or you called his work and he was not there. If he's hiding the fact that he took a day off from you, that is a big issue. It might not be proof of an affair, but it is proof that he's been lying to you.
What To Do Next
How to know if my husband is having an affair? It's a desperate question to ask yourself. You start seeing signs everywhere. But do you have proof or our you just suspicious because your marriage is in trouble?
Either way, you have several choices:
You can come out and ask him.
You can learn to how to uncover infidelity.
You can focus on saving your relationship.
You can learn how to survive infidelity.
Signs Your Husband Is Not Attracted To You - Rejection Or Something Else?
Do you think you see signs your husband is not attracted to you? When you start to doubt your husband's attraction to you, you start to see signs everywhere. But is he really losing interest in you or are you just paranoid?
This article will focus on sorting through the signs that keep pointing you in one direction: Your husband does not find you physically attractive. When you understand what is happening in your relationship, you can take the necessary steps to change it.
Sign #1: He Never/Seldom Touches You
And I'm not talking about sex. I'm talking about everyday gestures like kissing you good-bye or putting his hand on your shoulder. Does he ever put his hand on your knee or try to hold your hand? Does he show any kind physical affection in public?
Before you jump to conclusions, you have to take an honest look at the situation. Is this new behavior? Or has he always been adverse to public displays of affection? If he used to shower you with kisses and always touched you, that's reason to worry. But if he's just slightly less affectionate than before, it could be that he's just not the kind of guy that shows affection.
Sign #2: He Never/Seldom Initiates Sex and Rejects Your Advances
Are you the one that always initiates sex? Does he ever reject your advances? Again, this is about looking at the situation honestly. Was he incredibly affectionate in the beginning and now he is barely interested in having sex with you?
Or has he always been more of a follower during sex? Have you always played the aggressor? If his behavior has dramatically changed, this is cause for worry. But if he has real reason for not wanting sex right now, then you need to be patient.
Ask yourself the following questions:
Does he have a high stress job that affects his libido?
Does he have any kind of health problem that affects sex?
Are you having other problems in your relationship that is causing friction in the bedroom?Sign #3: You Have a Gut Feeling That He's Not Attracted To You Anymore
Of all the signs your husband is not attracted to you, this is probably the most worrisome one of all. We just know. Period.
Women can tell when someone is attracted to them. It's that sexual chemistry that is so obvious that everyone in the room can tell something is going on. On the other hand, we can also tell when someone is "not that into" us.
Even if your perception is wrong, you feel that he's not attracted to you. Otherwise you would not be reading this. Listen to your gut feeling, because we are genuinely right about these kinds of things.
Signs That Your Husband Loves You - Is He Still Crazy About You?
Signs That Your Husband Loves You - Is He Still Crazy About You?
Article Word Count: 451 [View Summary] Comments (0)
Looking for signs that your husband loves you? If your questioning his feelings for you, your relationship is under some kind of stress. All marriages go through ups and downs, but if you are reading this article, you are truly questioning his affections.
Before you go and start questioning him or hounding him about his "feelings", take the time to really understand what's going on. Your husband won't want to be questioned about his love for you if his affections are real. Plus, you don't want to seem insecure and needy.
That's not attractive.
Although your husband could be showing signs he loves you every day, here are a few of the top signs that he's still crazy about you.
Sign #1: He Tells You He Loves You (in the right way!)
Does your husband tell you he loves you? Or does he have some kind of automatic response to your declaration of love?
Wife: "I love you" (as she looks him in the eyes, perhaps touches his arm, and speaks with emotion)
Husband: "Love you too" (as he never takes his eyes off what he's doing and his response seems automatic)
Perhaps this kind of automatic response happens once in awhile, and we've probably done it yourself. But if your husband is truly telling you that he loves you with emotion and feeling, he still loves you.
Sign #2: He Shows He Loves You In His Own Way
No one shows love the same way. Some guys get flowers and some guys fill up your gas tank. Some guys over-do it and some guys were never that affectionate to begin with.
How did your husband show his love in the beginning of your relationship? If he's still showing love his own way, then he still loves you.
Sign #3: His Love Does Not Feel Forced
Is he just putting on a good "game face"? Does his feelings and actions towards you seem forced? I don't think anyone can "fake" love for that long. If your truly feel that he loves you, he probably does.
But if your marriage is in trouble, his love towards you may seem forced or fake at times. Again, true love can't be faked. You will be able to tell the difference.
What To Do Next
Many women say that they "had no idea" something was wrong with their marriage. But there are always signs that your husband loves you or not. The truth is that they did not want to know. It's easier to live in denial and pretend everything is fine than deal with some harsh truths. And if your reading this article, you have some mistrust in your husband's affection to you.
Pay Close Attention Here
What if there was a way that women could get the romance going again in their marriages?
What if they could spark so much inspiration into the men, whom they love with all of their hearts, that they would go out of their way to rekindle the romance they had in the days when they first met?
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Article Submitted On: April 10, 2011