Friday, March 29, 2013

Making Business Decisions – Or Why a Lack of Education Can Hurt You : smallbusiness

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Making Business Decisions - Or Why a Lack of Education Can Hurt You | Solopreneur Success!

Liesha Petrovich (2)

We go by many names...solopreneur, nonemployer, solo-proprietor, small business owner, self-employed.


Did you know that there is over 2o million of us in the United States?


And we are overlooked because we only contribute 4% to the GDP. But we do contribute to society and we should be valued in our educational system.


Currently, there is no standard higher education program dedicated to this incredibly diverse group. Sure there are "business" classes out there. But we are not in corporate business. We don't care about human resources, organizational management or corporate supply chains.


We need education designed for our needs. Something that's effective and affordable. That's where I come in.


It's my mission folks.



Best Celeb Selfies | Photo Gallery - Yahoo! omg!

Monday, March 18, 2013

No Time? Reorganize Your Priorities with a Recession-Inspired Analysis | Solopreneur Success!

Liesha Petrovich (2)

We go by many names...solopreneur, nonemployer, solo-proprietor, small business owner, self-employed.


Did you know that there is over 2o million of us in the United States?


And we are overlooked because we only contribute 4% to the GDP. But we do contribute to society and we should be valued in our educational system.


Currently, there is no standard higher education program dedicated to this incredibly diverse group. Sure there are "business" classes out there. But we are not in corporate business. We don't care about human resources, organizational management or corporate supply chains.


We need education designed for our needs. Something that's effective and affordable. That's where I come in.


It's my mission folks.



Paltrow miscarriage - Yahoo! Search Results

Gwyneth Paltrow Reveals Miscarriage

omg! Celeb News via omg! - Mar 17 09:04am

Gwyneth Paltrow's family of four was almost a family of five. The Oscar winning-actress reveals for the first time in a new interview with The Mail on Sunday's You magazine that she had a miscarriage. ... more »

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Lessons from the Recession | Solopreneur Success!

Liesha Petrovich (2)

We go by many names...solopreneur, nonemployer, solo-proprietor, small business owner, self-employed.


Did you know that there is over 2o million of us in the United States?


And we are overlooked because we only contribute 4% to the GDP. But we do contribute to society and we should be valued in our educational system.


Currently, there is no standard higher education program dedicated to this incredibly diverse group. Sure there are "business" classes out there. But we are not in corporate business. We don't care about human resources, organizational management or corporate supply chains.


We need education designed for our needs. Something that's effective and affordable. That's where I come in.


It's my mission folks.

