Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Jason Collins showed his toughness long before announcing he's gay - Yahoo! Sports

Yet also understand there isn't a major pro sport team that'll support Collins the way the NBA will. Not baseball. Not football. It's easy for everyone to come out supporting Collins in statements and Twitter posts, but the test will be when he goes to get another job next season, when there are private moments in the locker room.

With the shortage of bench big men, with the shape he's kept himself in, Collins will get a contract before next season. His signing will require a news conference, some interviews along the way, and that'll be that. In most instances, basketball is far more enlightened and long has been. NBA commissioner David Stern deserves credit for it, because he's demanded it.

Collins, left, has built a reputation as a tough player who won't back down against the best. (AP)In the NBA and outside, I've known of other gay athletes and the way the silence tears

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