Wednesday, January 4, 2012

How to Keep Your New Year's Resolutions - 5 Tips to Increase Your Self-Discipline | Maine Kyokushin Karate

self discipline

We are not born with self-discipline. We have to work at it.

You all know you make them. But like millions of other Americans, you just make empty promises to yourself. I know you really want to improve your fitness level, lose weight. I know you want to ace your next belt promotion. But just because your a martial artist, does not mean that you automatically know how to control your diet, become disciplined in your workouts or become focused enough to reach your goals.

This post is the first in a series to help karate students actually achieve their goals. But it’s not enough to just read the post. You can’t expect to improve your self-control or any other aspect of life without actually taking action. I’ll give you the information…you have to take the first step…

Tip #1 – Don’t Wait to Improve Self Discipline (start today!)

I had a heart attack. So I cut back on stress and decided to eat healthier.

Great. But why do people start making changes AFTER they damage their health?

Many times people don’t pursue more self- discipline until they’re in trouble. For example, the person who is a workaholic thrives on a busy schedule, that is, until they have a heart attack. Then they see the need to learn self-control and change their lifestyle. As a result, they take action and make it happen.

Set doable goals. To reach a goal it needs to be realistic, otherwise it can be a step back instead of forward. If the goal is set too high then you will fail and think its proof of the fact that you can’t do it. Whereas, if there would have been several small goals that led to the larger one you would have kept going forward.

Tip #2 – Change Your Bad Habits Now

I don’t know why I gain so much weight. I guess it could be the cookies, chips & ice cream I buy at the grocery store.

Really? You think?

It’s the bad habits that get in the way of self- discipline. A person who wants to lose weight can’t keep the bad habit of getting in the fridge every night at 10:00 to eat cookies and milk. This bad habit has to go!

Stop temptation in its tracks!

If you eat cookies and milk at night, don’t buy the cookies in the first place. Don’t get home and change into your pajamas; change into your dogi. You’ll be more likely to make class if you’re not lounging on your couch playing video games.

Set a doable goal of eating right and/or working out. Twice a week. Then three times a week. Throw out junk food that you KNOW you should not be eating.

Tip #3 – The First Step is Always the Hardest

But change is hard.

Well, obviously.

But if you make it a habit, it becomes much, much easier. Do something you know you should do daily, but don’t. Self-discipline is all about doing what you don’t want to do, but need to do. Things that will give you a better quality of life are worth pursuing. This could be exercise, eat healthier, get more sleep, read, time with family and so forth.

Plan the day and activities. If you’re not used to planning then start simple. Write down five things that you want to accomplish the night before for the next day. Then the next day mark them off as you do them this is basic self-discipline. It’s also forming new good habits and tracking progress.

Tip #4 – If You Fall Off the Wagon…Get Right Back On

I just had 5 pieces of pizza and finished it off with Ben & Jerry’s. It’s all over now. I’m a complete failure.

Quoting the ever-wise Miley Cyrus…”Everybody has those days”

We all make mistakes. Skip workouts, indulge in cheesecake when we should be having a salad. Whatever your “mistake” may be, don’t let it ruin all the progress you have made. EVERYONE has days where they lose control. The trick is to get back on track as soon as possible.

Don’t beat yourself up over it, just make better choices next time.

Tip #5 – Stop Making Excuses & Whining About It

I’m not fat, I’m just big boned. (Really, just ask my mom)

I don’t have time to workout. (But I do have time to watch the… Kardashians? Red Sox? American Idol? Or perhaps play Halo?)

I don’t have enough money. (But I have enough for ……..Smokes? A six pack? New shoes?)

EVERYONE can make excuses for every action they should be taking. EVERYONE has issues, problems, stress, family commitments, etc. You are not the only one and the rest of us do not have all the answers.

Stop giving excuses for your bad behavior. If you want to improve your self-discipline, you are the ONLY PERSON IN THE WORLD that can make that happen.

If you want to lose weight, do something that will put you on the right path. If you want to increase your fitness level, you have to workout. If you want your Black Belt, go to class. Period.

The solution is easy. Implementation is not. So what are you going to do today to implement more self-defense into your life?

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