Thursday, January 31, 2013

Rare Diagnosis Saves Girl Thought to Have Brain Tumor - Yahoo! News

The brain stem sits right smack dab in the middle of your head, and you've got to get into that area," he said. "The brain stem is sort of like an octopus with arms and nerves that provide movement to the face, eyes, mouth and lips, so you have to be able to work in between the nerves to get in to the substance of the brain itself and move it and pull it out of there.

"She's absolutely a real fire plug and the clearly the darling of her parents," said Rasmussen, who was happily surprised with Keira's quick bounce-back. "She's an absolute gem."

Keira had been a healthy child, so when she first started complaining about a headache, her parents thought it was just nerves.

"She had never complained about one before and we blew it off," said her mother. "But the next day, she came home from school and complained about the same thing."

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