Saturday, April 23, 2011

How to Make My Girlfriend Want Me More? - Secrets to Go From Forgettable to Irresistible!

Are you asking yourself “how to make my girlfriend want me more”? Need more sex? Feel insecure? If you’re feeling a bit forgettable in your relationship, maybe you’ve lost the spark or maybe you don't have the right moves. but don’t worry. There are ways to make your girlfriend beg for more!

Get Immediate Help Right Now and Learn How to Make Your Girlfriend W/sant You More!

Secret #1: Look the Part
When you first started dating did you take the time to dress well and use manners? Since you started feeling more comfortable around her, have you begun to belch, fart, eat without a shirt on, etc? Yeah, that may be you...but it's not always someone a girl wants to take out of the house. In short, act like a gentleman even when your inner caveman is screaming to get out.

You don't need a massive make-over, but you do need to put some effort into it. If you need help, find someone you trust to help you or just copy someone else's look.

Secret #2: Stop Stalking Her
This one is simple. Most girls don't like a guy who is over-eager. Like a puppy dog begging for a bone. Girls want someone to make them feel special, but not someone who calls or texts 24/7. They don't like to be told that you "love them" on the first date. This behavior is more like a stalker than a boyfriend.

If she does not call you, don't freak out. You will look desperate and that, my friend, is not sexy.

Secret #3: Have Self Confidence
This is probably the most important tip. If you want to know how to make your girlfriend want you more you need to have self confidence. This is not the same as arrogance. Think of the average looking guy who walks into the room and every eye turns towards him. Why? Is it his looks?

No it's his confidence. He walks into the room like he owns it and makes others take notice. If you’re not there yet, walk the walk until you are. It takes practice just like anything else. Learn how to conquer your anxiety that you may never be able to attract and keep the kind of person that you REALLY want.

Secret #4: Start to Listen to What She's Saying
"Communication" is a huge thing for a woman. They want to know that you’re listening when they are talking to you. This does not mean listen to their feelings or emotions, which you should do. What this means is when she says she wants to watch Project Runway, just don't turn on a ballgame. If she says she would like to stop by a coffee shop, even if it's convenient, stop by the coffee shop. Whatever your girlfriend is talking about, slow down and take the time to actually listen to what she's saying.

Secret #5: Learn the Art of Pleasuring Women

If you want to be desirable, you have to learn how to pleasure a woman. Do you know how to give her pleasure or do you just think you know? The difference is huge. Women are not wired like men and guess what? There are detailed books that will teach you everything you need to know to pleasure a woman.

If you truly want to know “how to make my girlfriend want me more”, now is the time to take action!

Get Immediate Help Right Now and Learn How to Make Your Girlfriend Want You More!

Step-By-Step secrets to charm, impress and seduce your girlfriend! If you don't take action today, your girlfriends eyes could start drifting away from you...

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