Saturday, April 23, 2011

How to Make Wife Love You More - What NOT to Do!

If you are asking "how to make your wife love you more", you are feeling desperate, lonely and ignored. You may be confused at what you can do to get her to love you like she did in the beginning of your relationship. At this point, where you're feeling unloved, saying the wrong thing can have an impact on your future with your wife. Below are the things you do NOT want to do to get her to love you again.

1. Don't Manipulate to Get What You Want

Trying to find ways to manipulate your wife into loving you more is a terrible idea. It is risky, untrustworthy and will not last in the long run. For example, you know your wife will come running if she thinks you're hurt, sick or something bad is going to happen. Playing nursemaid will help for the short term to bring you closer, but it will wear off as soon as the charade ends.

Bottom Line: Don't play games!

2. Don't Be a Doormat

Who wants to be married to someone who is always giving in? You might think that makes her happier, but it really doesn't. Even if she likes it at first, you will never being happy. Avoiding disagreements or conflict is noble, but at what cost to you? You also have your own happiness to consider and your self-esteem will just plummet. And she won't respect you.

Bottom Line: Find ways to communicate and compromise in a healthy way

3. Don't Beg

When you're scared and frustrated that your wife does not love you as much as you love her, that's a horrible feeling. But begging will not increase her affection for you. You will look desperate, not attractive. You look and feel pitiful and you are better than that. How to make wife love you more does not include you becoming her stalker.

Bottom Line: Communicate your feelings without pleading for you to love you more

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