Friday, April 22, 2011

Signs Your Husband Is Not Attracted To You - Rejection Or Something Else?

Do you think you see signs your husband is not attracted to you? When you start to doubt your husband's attraction to you, you start to see signs everywhere. But is he really losing interest in you or are you just paranoid?

This article will focus on sorting through the signs that keep pointing you in one direction: Your husband does not find you physically attractive. When you understand what is happening in your relationship, you can take the necessary steps to change it.

Sign #1: He Never/Seldom Touches You

And I'm not talking about sex. I'm talking about everyday gestures like kissing you good-bye or putting his hand on your shoulder. Does he ever put his hand on your knee or try to hold your hand? Does he show any kind physical affection in public?

Before you jump to conclusions, you have to take an honest look at the situation. Is this new behavior? Or has he always been adverse to public displays of affection? If he used to shower you with kisses and always touched you, that's reason to worry. But if he's just slightly less affectionate than before, it could be that he's just not the kind of guy that shows affection.

Sign #2: He Never/Seldom Initiates Sex and Rejects Your Advances

Are you the one that always initiates sex? Does he ever reject your advances? Again, this is about looking at the situation honestly. Was he incredibly affectionate in the beginning and now he is barely interested in having sex with you?

Or has he always been more of a follower during sex? Have you always played the aggressor? If his behavior has dramatically changed, this is cause for worry. But if he has real reason for not wanting sex right now, then you need to be patient.

Ask yourself the following questions:

Does he have a high stress job that affects his libido?
Does he have any kind of health problem that affects sex?
Are you having other problems in your relationship that is causing friction in the bedroom?

Sign #3: You Have a Gut Feeling That He's Not Attracted To You Anymore

Of all the signs your husband is not attracted to you, this is probably the most worrisome one of all. We just know. Period.

Women can tell when someone is attracted to them. It's that sexual chemistry that is so obvious that everyone in the room can tell something is going on. On the other hand, we can also tell when someone is "not that into" us.

Even if your perception is wrong, you feel that he's not attracted to you. Otherwise you would not be reading this. Listen to your gut feeling, because we are genuinely right about these kinds of things.

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