Friday, April 8, 2011

What To Do If Your Husband Cheats On You - Essential Steps to Rebuilding Your Relationship

Wondering what to do if your husband cheats on you? When your happy life has shattered from an affair, you can be so overwhelmed with feelings of hurt, anger, sadness, betrayal...that you literally feel sick. So many questions are eating away at you like "How can I ever get past his betrayal?".

This article will help you see what steps you need to take to recover from your husband's infidelity. These are essential to creating the kind of relationship that you so desperately want.

Step #1: Get Beyond Denial and Get in Touch With Your Feelings

Denial is the easiest thing to do. Just pretend it never happened, right? But this is like putting a band-aid on a gaping wound. The rug has been pulled out from under your feet and your overwhelming negative emotions are normal and common. It's not easy, but it can be done.

Step #2: Create a Transparent Marriage

If you want to re-build your relationship, you must create an atmosphere of transparency. Your husband must be willing to do this and understand that a lifestyle of sneaking, lying and cheating creates mistrust.

You will know what level of transparency is right for you and your marriage. Talk to your husband and make guidelines that you are both comfortable with.

Step #3: Rebuild Trust

After an affair, you may feel like you will never trust your husband again. This can be on of the biggest challenges to rebuilding your relationship. But if you are still with him, you probably still have some trust in your husband. Do you trust him with your children? Do you trust him to take care of you financially? Do you trust him with your safety?

There are different levels of trust, and you may have to dig deep, but find where you still trust your husband. And this is where you will start rebuilding the trust in your relationship.

Get Immediate Help Right Now and Survive the Affair

Learn how to restore trust and save your relationship. Learn what to do when your husband cheats on you.Get instant access to Survive an Affair.

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